Trackmania ManiaScript Reference 2024.12.12.1515
A ManiaScript Reference of the new Trackmania.
This is the complete list of members for CMapEditorPlugin, including all inherited members.
AnchorData (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Audio (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
AutoSave() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
BackToMainMenuRequested (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Backward enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Black enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
BleacherSpectatorsCount | CMapEditorPlugin | |
BleacherSpectatorsFillRatio | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Block enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
BlockModels (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
BlockProperty enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Blocks (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
BlockStockMode (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Blue enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Camera (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CameraHAngle (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CameraPosition (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CameraTargetPosition (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CameraToTargetDistance (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CameraVAngle (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CanPlaceBlock(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir, Boolean OnGround, Integer VariantIndex) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CanPlaceBlock_NoDestruction(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir, Boolean OnGround, Integer VariantIndex) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CanPlaceGhostBlock(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CanPlaceMacroblock(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CanPlaceMacroblock_NoDestruction(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CanPlaceMacroblock_NoTerrain(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CanPlaceRoadBlocks(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CanPlaceTerrainBlocks(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CardinalDirections enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CardinalDirections8 enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Classic enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ClassicBlocks (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CollectionGroundY (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CollectionSquareHeight (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CollectionSquareSize (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ComputeItemsForMacroblockInstance(CMacroblockInstance MacroBlockInstance) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ComputeShadows() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ComputeShadows(CMapEditorPlugin::ShadowsQuality ShadowsQuality) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ConnectResults (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_AddOrSubSelection(Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_ApplyColorToSelection(CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor Color) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_ApplyLightmapQualityToSelection(CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemLightmapQuality LightmapQuality) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_Copy() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_Cut() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_DecreaseSelectionPhaseOffset(CMapEditorPlugin::PhaseOffset Offset) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_GetLightmapQualityInSelection() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_GetLightmapQualityInSelection_Results (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_GetSelectedCoordsCount() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_IncreaseSelectionPhaseOffset(CMapEditorPlugin::PhaseOffset Offset) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_Remove() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_ResetSelection() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_SelectAll() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_SetSelectionPhaseOffset(CMapEditorPlugin::PhaseOffset Offset) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CopyPaste_Symmetrize() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CreateFixedClipList() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CreateFrameClipList() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CreateMacroblockInstance(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor Color, Boolean ForceMacroblockColor) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CreateMacroblockInstance(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor Color, Boolean ForceMacroblockColor, Integer UserData) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CreateMacroblockInstance(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir, CBlockClipList DefaultClipList, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor Color, Boolean ForceMacroblockColor) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CreateMacroblockInstance(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir, CBlockClipList DefaultClipList, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor Color, Boolean ForceMacroblockColor, Integer UserData) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CurrentShadowsQuality (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Cursor (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CustomSelection enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CustomSelectionCoords (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
CustomSelectionRGB (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Cyan enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
DataFileMgr (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables(CNod Nod, Boolean StatsOnly) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Default enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Dialog_Message(Text Message) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
DisplayDefaultSetObjectivesDialog() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
DoesAnchorHaveSpawn(CAnchorData Anchor) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
East enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditMediatrackIngame() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditMode enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditMode (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Camera0 (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Camera1 (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Camera3 (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Camera7 (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Camera9 (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CameraDown (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CameraLeft (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CameraRight (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CameraUp (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CameraZoomNext (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Copy (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorDelete (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorDown (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorLeft (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorLower (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorPick (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorPlace (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorRaise (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorRight (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorTiltLeft (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorTiltRight (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorTurn (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorTurnSlightly (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorTurnSlightlyAntiClockwise (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_CursorUp (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Cut (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_IconDown (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_IconLeft (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_IconRight (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_IconUp (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Menu (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Paste (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_PivotChange (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Redo (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_RemoveAll (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Save (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_SelectAll (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_SwitchToRace (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EditorInputIsDown_Undo (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ELinkType enum name (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
EnableAirMapping (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EnableCursorShowingWhenInterfaceIsFocused (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EnableEditorInputsCustomProcessing (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EnableMapTypeStartTest (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
EnableMenuNavigationInputs (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
EnableMixMapping (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Erase enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ExternalBrowser enum value (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Fast enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
FilterProfanities(Text TextToFilter) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Five8th enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
FixedClipLists (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ForceMacroblockColor (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ForceMacroblockLightmapQuality (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Forward enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Four8th enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
FrameClipLists (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
FreeBlock enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
FreeLook enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
FreeMacroblock enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetAvailableMapName() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetBlock(Int3 Coord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetBlock(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetBlockGroundHeight(CBlockModel BlockModel, Integer CoordX, Integer CoordZ, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetBlockModelFromName(Text BlockModelName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetBlockModelSkin(CBlockModel BlockModel, Integer SkinIndex) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetBlockSkinBg(CBlock Block) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetBlockSkinFg(CBlock Block) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetCheckpointBlockCount() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetColorPaletteColorblindColor(CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColorPalette EColorPalette, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor EColor) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetColorPaletteCurrentColor(CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColorPalette EColorPalette, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor EColor) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetColorPaletteName(CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColorPalette EColorPalette) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetColorPaletteNotColorblindColor(CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColorPalette EColorPalette, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor EColor) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetConnectResults(CBlock ExistingBlock, CBlockModel NewBlock) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetConnectResults(CBlock ExistingBlock, CMacroblockModel NewBlock) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetConnectResults(CMacroblockInstance ExistingBlock, CBlockModel NewBlock) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetConnectResults(CMacroblockInstance ExistingBlock, CMacroblockModel NewBlock) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetFinishBlockCount(Boolean IncludeMultilaps) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetGhostBlock(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetGroundHeight(Integer CoordX, Integer CoordZ) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetItemModelSkin(CGameItemModel ItemModel, Integer SkinIndex) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetItemsCountRequest (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetItemsCountResult() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetItemSkinBg(CItemAnchor AnchoredObject) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetItemSkinFg(CItemAnchor AnchoredObject) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetLatestMacroblockInstance() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetLatestMacroblockInstance(Integer Offset) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMacroblockInstanceConnectedToClip(CBlockClip Clip) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMacroblockInstanceFromOrder(Integer Order) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMacroblockInstanceFromUnitCoord(Int3 Coord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMacroblockModelFromFilePath(Text MacroblockModelFilePath) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMapElemColor(CBlock Block) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMapElemColor(CItemAnchor AnchoredObject) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMapElemColor(CAnchorData Anchor) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMapStyle() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMapType() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMaxOrder() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMouseCoordAtHeight(Integer CoordY) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMouseCoordOnGround() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetMultilapBlockCount() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetNbBlockModelSkins(CBlockModel BlockModel) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetNbItemModelSkins(CGameItemModel ItemModel) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetRaceCamera(Vec3 Position, Real Yaw, Real Pitch, Real Roll, Real FovY) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetSkinDisplayName(Text SkinFileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetStartBlockCount(Boolean IncludeMultilaps) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetStartLineBlock() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetTerrainBlockModelFromName(Text TerrainBlockModelName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GetVec3FromCoord(Int3 Coord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GhostBlock enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
GhostBlocks (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Green enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Help() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
HideBlockHelpers (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
HideCustomSelection() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
HideEditorInterface (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
HideInventory (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
HideOtherPlugins() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
High enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Highest enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
HoldLoadingScreen (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Http (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Id (defined in CNod) | CNod | |
Input (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Inventory (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsBlockModelSkinnable(CBlockModel BlockModel) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsColorBlindModeActive (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsEditorReadyForRequest (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsItemModelSkinnable(CGameItemModel ItemModel) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsMacroblockModelSkinnable(CMacroblockModel BlockModel) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsMapFileNameAvailable(Text MapName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsSkinForeground(CBlockModel BlockModel, Text SkinFileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsSkinForeground(CGameItemModel ItemModel, Text SkinFileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsTesting (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsUltraShadowsQualityAvailable (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsValidating (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
IsVisible (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Item enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Items (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
LayerCustomEvent(CUILayer Layer, Text Type, Array< Text > Data) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
LayersDefaultManialinkVersion (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Left enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
LeftBackward enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
LeftForward enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Light enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Lime enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
LoadedTitle (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
LocalUser (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Low enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Lowest enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Macroblock enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MacroblockInstanceClipLists (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MacroblockInstanceItemsResults (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MacroblockInstances (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MacroblockModels (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ManiaAppBaseUrl (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
ManiaAppUrl (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
ManialinkBrowser enum value (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
ManialinkPage (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ManialinkText (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Map (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MapElemColor enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MapElemColorPalette enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MapElemColorPalette (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MapElemColorPalettes (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MapElemLightmapQuality enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MapFileName (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MapName (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MediatrackIngameClips (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
MediatrackIngameEditedClipIndex (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
NextItemPhaseOffset (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
NextMapElemColor (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
NextMapElemLightmapQuality (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
NextMbAdditionalPhaseOffset (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
None enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Normal enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
North enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
NorthEast enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
NorthWest enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
NotComputed enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
NotValidable enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Now (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
OffZone enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
One8th enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
OpenBlockSkinDialog(CBlock Block) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
OpenFileInExplorer(Text FileName) | CManiaApp | |
OpenLink(Text Url, CManiaApp::ELinkType LinkType) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
OpenToolsMenu() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Orange enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Path enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PendingEvents (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PhaseOffset enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Pick enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Pink enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Place enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceBlock(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceBlock_NoDestruction(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceGhostBlock(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceMacroblock(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceMacroblock_AirMode(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceMacroblock_NoDestruction(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceMacroblock_NoTerrain(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceMacroblock_NoTerrain_NoUnvalidate(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceMode enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceMode (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceRoadBlocks(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceTerrainBlocks(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PlaceTerrainBlocks_NoDestruction(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Plugin enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PreloadAllBlocks() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
PreloadAllItems() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Purple enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
QuickQuit() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
QuickQuitAndSetResult(Text Type, Array< Text > Data) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Quit() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
QuitAndSetResult(Text Type, Array< Text > Data) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Red enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Redo() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RelativeDirections enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveAll() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveAllBlocks() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveAllBlocksAndTerrain() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveAllObjects() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveAllOffZone() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveAllTerrain() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveBlock(Int3 Coord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveBlock(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveGhostBlock(CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveItem(CAnchorData Item) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveMacroblock(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveMacroblock_NoTerrain(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveMacroblock_NoTerrain_NoUnvalidate(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveMacroblockInstance(CMacroblockInstance MacroblockInstance) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveMacroblockInstanceFromOrder(Integer Order) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveMacroblockInstanceFromUnitCoord(Integer Order) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveMacroblockInstancesByUserData(Integer UserData) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RemoveTerrainBlocks(Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ResetAllMacroblockInstances() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ResetAutoRepeat() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Right enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RightBackward enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
RightForward enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SaveMacroblock(CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SaveMap(Text FileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SaveMap(Text FileName, Text Path) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SaveMapGamepadEditor(Text FileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ScoreMgr (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
SelectionAdd enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SelectionRemove enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetBlockSkin(CBlock Block, Text SkinFileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetBlockSkins(CBlock Block, Text BgSkinFileName, Text FgSkinFileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetItemSkin(CItemAnchor AnchoredObject, Text SkinFileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetItemSkins(CItemAnchor AnchoredObject, Text BgSkinFileName, Text FgSkinFileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetMacroblockSkin(CMacroblockInstance Macroblock, Text SkinFileName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetMapElemColor(CBlock Block, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor Color) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetMapElemColor(CItemAnchor AnchoredObject, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor Color) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetMapElemColor(CAnchorData Anchor, CMapEditorPlugin::MapElemColor Color) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetMapStyle(Text MapStyle) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetMapType(Text MapType) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SetNextMapElemColorPalette() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Seven8th enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ShadowsQuality enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ShowCustomSelection() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ShowOtherPlugins() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ShowPlacementGrid (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Six8th enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Skin enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
South enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SouthEast enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
SouthWest enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Stunt enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
System (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Terraform enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TerrainBlockModels (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TerrainBlocks (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Test enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TestMapFromCoord(Int3 Coord, CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TestMapFromMacroblockInstance(CMacroblockInstance MbInstance) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TestMapFromStart() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TestMapWithMode(Text RulesModeName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TestMapWithMode(Text RulesModeName, Text SettingsXml) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TestMapWithMode_SplitScreen(Text RulesModeName) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TestMapWithMode_SplitScreen(Text RulesModeName, Integer ScreenCount) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TestMapWithMode_SplitScreen(Text RulesModeName, Integer ScreenCount, Integer FakeCount, Text SettingsXml) (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Three8th enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ThumbnailCameraFovY (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ThumbnailCameraHAngle (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ThumbnailCameraPosition (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ThumbnailCameraRoll (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ThumbnailCameraVAngle (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
TrackingMgr (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
TTS_Context_Change(Ident ContextId, CMlControl Control) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
TTS_Context_Change(Ident ContextId, Text Text, Boolean Translate) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
TTS_Context_Enter(Integer Level) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
TTS_Context_Leave(Ident ContextId) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
TTS_Context_Read(Integer Level) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
TTS_Context_Read(Ident ContextId) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
TTS_Disabled (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Two8th enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
UILayerCreate() (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
UILayerDestroy(CUILayer Layer) (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
UILayerDestroyAll() (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
UILayers (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Ultra enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
UndergroundMode (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Undo() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Unknown enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
UnvalidateGameplayInfo() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
UnvalidateMetadata() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
UnvalidatePlayfield() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
UserMgr (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Validable enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Validate() (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Validated enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ValidationStatus enum name (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ValidationStatus (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
VeryFast enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
VeryHigh enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
VeryLow enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
Video (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
West enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
White enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
WSNotificationMgr (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Xml (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp | |
Yellow enum value (defined in CMapEditorPlugin) | CMapEditorPlugin | |
ZoneMgr (defined in CManiaApp) | CManiaApp |