Trackmania ManiaScript Reference 2024.9.17.1117
A ManiaScript Reference of the new Trackmania.
No Matches
Array< ElemType > Struct Template Reference

Public Member Functions

ElemType operator[] (Integer Index)
ElemType operator[] (Ident Id)
ElemType operator[] (CNod Object)
ElemType get (Integer Index)
ElemType get (Integer Index, ElemType DefaultValue)
ElemType get (Ident Id)
ElemType get (Ident Id, ElemType DefaultValue)
Array< ElemType > sort ()
Array< ElemType > sortreverse ()
Void add (ElemType Elem)
Void addfirst (ElemType Elem)
Boolean remove (ElemType Elem)
Boolean exists (ElemType Elem)
Integer keyof (ElemType Elem)
Void clear ()
Boolean containsonly (Array< ElemType > Elem)
Boolean containsoneof (Array< ElemType > Elem)
Array< ElemType > slice (Integer Index)
Array< ElemType > slice (Integer Index, Integer Count)

Public Attributes

Integer count

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: