ManiaPlanet 3 ManiaScript Reference 2015.06.18.1510
A ManiaScript Reference of the ManiaPlanet 3 game (frozen installation). This is OUTDATED, and exists only for entertainment purposes.
No Matches
CUIConfig Struct Reference

#include <doc.h>

Inheritance diagram for CUIConfig:

Public Types

enum  EUISequence {
  None , Playing , Intro , Outro ,
  Podium , CustomMTClip , EndRound , PlayersPresentation ,
  UIInteraction , RollingBackgroundIntro , CustomMTClip_WithUIInteraction
enum  EUIStatus {
  None , Normal , Warning , Error ,
enum  EVisibility {
  None , Normal , Manual , ForcedHidden ,
enum  ELabelsVisibility {
  None , Never , Always , WhenInFrustum ,
  WhenVisible , WhenInMiddleOfScreen
enum  EAvatarVariant { Default , Sad , Happy }
enum  EUISound {
  Default , Silence , StartMatch , EndMatch ,
  StartRound , EndRound , PhaseChange , TieBreakPoint ,
  TiePoint , VictoryPoint , Capture , TimeOut ,
  Notice , Warning , PlayerEliminated , PlayerHit ,
  Checkpoint , Finish , Record , ScoreProgress ,
  RankChange , Bonus , FirstHit , Combo ,
  PlayersRemaining , Custom1 , Custom2 , Custom3 ,
enum  ENoticeLevel {
  Default , PlayerInfo , PlayerWarning , MapInfo ,
  MapWarning , MatchInfo , MatchWarning
enum  EObserverMode { Default , Forced , Forbidden , Manual }

Public Member Functions

Void SendChat (Text Text)
Void SendNotice (Text Text, ENoticeLevel Level, CUser Avatar, EAvatarVariant AvatarVariant, EUISound Sound, Integer SoundVariant)
Text GetLayerManialinkAction (CUILayer Layer)
Void ClearLayerManialinkAction (CUILayer Layer)

Public Attributes

EUISequence UISequence
const Boolean UISequenceIsCompleted
Text UISequence_CustomMTClip
Integer UISequence_CustomMTRefTime
Boolean UISequence_CanSkipIntroMT
Text UISequence_PodiumPlayersWin
Text UISequence_PodiumPlayersLose
Text ManialinkPage
Text BigMessage
Text BigMessageAvatarLogin
EAvatarVariant BigMessageAvatarVariant
EUISound BigMessageSound
Integer BigMessageSoundVariant
Text StatusMessage
Text GaugeMessage
Real GaugeRatio
Integer GaugeClan
Text MarkersXML
const CUILayer[] UILayers
Boolean OverlayHideNotices
Boolean OverlayHideMapInfo
Boolean OverlayHideOpponentsInfo
Boolean OverlayHideChat
Boolean OverlayHideCheckPointList
Boolean OverlayHideRoundScores
Boolean OverlayHideCountdown
Boolean OverlayHideCrosshair
Boolean OverlayHideGauges
Boolean OverlayHideConsumables
Boolean OverlayHide321Go
Boolean OverlayHideBackground
Boolean OverlayHideChrono
Boolean OverlayHideSpeedAndDist
Boolean OverlayHidePersonnalBestAndRank
Boolean OverlayHidePosition
Boolean OverlayHideCheckPointTime
Boolean OverlayHideEndMapLadderRecap
Boolean OverlayHideMultilapInfos
Boolean OverlayHideSpectatorControllers
Boolean OverlayHideSpectatorInfos
Boolean OverlayChatHideAvatar
Integer OverlayChatLineCount
Vec2 OverlayChatOffset
Vec2 CountdownCoord
Boolean NoticesFilter_HidePlayerInfo
Boolean NoticesFilter_HidePlayerWarning
Boolean NoticesFilter_HidePlayerInfoIfNotMe
Boolean NoticesFilter_HidePlayerWarningIfNotMe
Boolean NoticesFilter_HideMapInfo
Boolean NoticesFilter_HideMapWarning
Boolean NoticesFilter_HideMatchInfo
Boolean NoticesFilter_HideMatchWarning
ENoticeLevel NoticesFilter_LevelToShowAsBigMessage
Text ScoreTable
EVisibility ScoreTableVisibility
Text SmallScoreTable
EVisibility SmallScoreTableVisibility
Boolean ScoreTableOnlyManialink
Boolean AltMenuNoDefaultScores
Boolean AltMenuNoCustomScores
Boolean OverlayScoreSummary
Ident ScoreSummary_Player1
Integer ScoreSummary_Points1
Integer ScoreSummary_RoundPoints1
Integer ScoreSummary_MatchPoints1
Real ScoreSummary_Gauge1
Ident ScoreSummary_Player2
Integer ScoreSummary_Points2
Integer ScoreSummary_RoundPoints2
Integer ScoreSummary_MatchPoints2
Real ScoreSummary_Gauge2
Boolean ScreenIn3dHideScoreSummary
Boolean ScreenIn3dHideVersus
Integer CountdownEndTime
EUIStatus UIStatus
ELabelsVisibility AlliesLabelsVisibility
EVisibility AlliesLabelsShowGauges
EVisibility AlliesLabelsShowNames
Integer AlliesLabelsMaxCount
ELabelsVisibility TeamLabelsVisibility
EVisibility TeamLabelsShowGauges
EVisibility TeamLabelsShowNames
ELabelsVisibility OpposingTeamLabelsVisibility
EVisibility OpposingTeamLabelsShowGauges
EVisibility OpposingTeamLabelsShowNames
Boolean ForceSpectator
Integer SpectatorForceCameraType
Ident SpectatorAutoTarget
Ident SpectatorForcedTarget
Integer SpectatorForcedClan
Real SpectatorCamAutoLatitude
Real SpectatorCamAutoLongitude
Real SpectatorCamAutoRadius
EObserverMode SpectatorObserverMode
- Public Attributes inherited from CNod
const Ident Id

Detailed Description

Supported declare modes : Local NetworkRead NetworkWrite This object handles the interface.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AlliesLabelsMaxCount

Integer CUIConfig::AlliesLabelsMaxCount

Values in range (0 - 250)

◆ MarkersXML

Text CUIConfig::MarkersXML

An XML text describing the map tooltips appearing in the HUD.
It's a set of <marker/> elements which can have the following attributes :

  1. label : a text to display
  2. pos : a vector of 3 world coordinates desribing the position of the marker
  3. playerlogin : alternatively, instead of using pos, you can use a player login. The marker will smoothly follow the player
  4. playerid : similar to playerlogin. Fill it with Player.Id. The marker will smoothly follow the player
  5. box : a vector of 3 dimensions describing the size of the marked object (allows a better placement of the marker on the screen)
  6. gauge : a Real. If between 0. and 1. a gauge will be shown undeneath the text
  7. imageurl : a string. URL of an image to use
  8. distmax : a real. The marker will disappear if the dist to it is greater than distmax
  9. isturning : a bool. Only for markers attached to players. If the marker appear on a minimap, it will turn around to reflect the player orientation.

◆ OverlayChatLineCount

Integer CUIConfig::OverlayChatLineCount

Values in range (0 - 40)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: