Trackmania Turbo ManiaScript Reference 2016.11.07.1615
A ManiaScript Reference of the Trackmania Turbo game.
No Matches
CEditorPlugin Struct Reference

#include <doc.h>

Inheritance diagram for CEditorPlugin:

Public Types

enum  CardinalDirections { North , East , South , West }
enum  PlaceMode {
  Unknown , Terraform , Block , Macroblock ,
  Skin , CopyPaste , Test , Plugin ,
  CustomSelection , OffZone , BlockProperty , Path ,
  GhostBlock , Item
enum  EditMode {
  Unknown , Place , FreeLook , Erase ,
  Pick , SelectionAdd , SelectionRemove
enum  ShadowsQuality {
  NotComputed , VeryFast , Fast , Default ,
  High , Ultra
enum  ValidationStatus { NotValidable , Validable , Validated }
enum  EditorStatus {
  Running , ChallengeType , Objectives , ToPlayground ,
  ChangeEditor , Save , SaveSameId , ToPlaygroundRecordPath ,
  QuickSave , QuickLoad , EditToolsMenu , Quit ,
  QuickQuit , ReplayRemoveAllKeys , ReplaySave , ReplayQuit ,
  ToAnim , ToItem , ToEditor , ToLayer ,
  EditSequences , QuickEditInGameClipGroup , ComputeShadows , ComputeShadowsFromScript ,
  ShootVideo , ShootScreen , Preview , EditBlock ,
  EditBlockQuit , AdditionalToolsMenu , RecordGhost , SaveMacroblock ,
  EditCameraEffectScript , SaveFromScript , CreatePluginScript , EditPluginScript ,
  EditMapTypeScript , ReloadMapTypeScript , EditClipConfigScript , ChooseMapType ,
  ClipExport , ChooseBlockSkin , Count
- Public Types inherited from CManiaApp
enum  ELinkType { ExternalBrowser , ManialinkBrowser }
enum  EAnimManagerEasing {
  Linear , QuadIn , QuadOut , QuadInOut ,
  CubicIn , CubicOut , CubicInOut , QuartIn ,
  QuartOut , QuartInOut , QuintIn , QuintOut ,
  QuintInOut , SineIn , SineOut , SineInOut ,
  ExpIn , ExpOut , ExpInOut , CircIn ,
  CircOut , CircInOut , BackIn , BackOut ,
  BackInOut , ElasticIn , ElasticOut , ElasticInOut ,
  ElasticIn2 , ElasticOut2 , ElasticInOut2 , BounceIn ,
  BounceOut , BounceInOut
enum  ESystemPlatform {
  None , Steam , UPlay , PS4 ,
enum  ESystemSkuIdentifier { Unknown , EU , US , JP }

Public Member Functions

Void ComputeShadows ()
Void ComputeShadows (ShadowsQuality ShadowsQuality)
Void Undo ()
Void Redo ()
Void Help ()
Void Validate ()
Void AutoSave ()
Void Quit ()
Void QuickQuit ()
Void QuitAndSetResult (Text Type, Text[] Data)
Void QuickQuitAndSetResult (Text Type, Text[] Data)
Void TestMapFromStart ()
Void TestMapFromCoord (Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Void TestMapFromCoordWithMapTypeScript (Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Void TestMapWithMode (Text RulesModeName)
Void SaveMap (Text FileName)
Void SaveMap (Text FileName, Text Path)
Boolean GetRaceCamera (Vec3 Position, Real Yaw, Real Pitch, Real Roll, Real FovY)
Void RemoveAllBlocks ()
Void RemoveAllTerrain ()
Void RemoveAllOffZone ()
Void RemoveAllObjects ()
Void RemoveAll ()
Void RemoveAllBlocksAndTerrain ()
Void ShowCustomSelection ()
Void HideCustomSelection ()
Void CopyPaste_Copy ()
Void CopyPaste_Cut ()
Void CopyPaste_Remove ()
Void CopyPaste_SelectAll ()
Void CopyPaste_ResetSelection ()
Void OpenToolsMenu ()
Void EditMediatrackIngame ()
Void PreloadAllBlocks ()
Void PreloadAllItems ()
Boolean CanPlaceBlock (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir, Boolean OnGround, Integer VariantIndex)
Boolean PlaceBlock (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean CanPlaceBlock_NoDestruction (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir, Boolean OnGround, Integer VariantIndex)
Boolean PlaceBlock_NoDestruction (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean CanPlaceRoadBlocks (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord)
Boolean PlaceRoadBlocks (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord)
Boolean CanPlaceTerrainBlocks (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord)
Boolean PlaceTerrainBlocks (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord)
Boolean PlaceTerrainBlocks_NoDestruction (CBlockModel BlockModel, Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord)
Boolean CanPlaceMacroblock (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean PlaceMacroblock (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean CanPlaceMacroblock_NoDestruction (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean PlaceMacroblock_NoDestruction (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean CanPlaceMacroblock_NoTerrain (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean PlaceMacroblock_NoTerrain (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean RemoveMacroblock (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
Boolean RemoveMacroblock_NoTerrain (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel, Int3 Coord, CardinalDirections Dir)
CBlock GetBlock (Int3 Coord)
Boolean IsBlockModelSkinnable (CBlockModel BlockModel)
Integer GetNbBlockModelSkins (CBlockModel BlockModel)
Text GetBlockModelSkinName (CBlockModel BlockModel, Integer SkinIndex)
Integer GetBlockSkinIndex (CBlock Block)
Void SetBlockSkinIndex (CBlock Block, Integer SkinIndex)
Boolean OpenBlockSkinDialog (CBlock Block)
Boolean RemoveBlock (Int3 Coord)
Boolean RemoveTerrainBlocks (Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord)
Integer GetBlockGroundHeight (CBlockModel BlockModel, Integer CoordX, Integer CoordZ, CardinalDirections Dir)
Integer GetGroundHeight (Integer CoordX, Integer CoordZ)
Int3 GetMouseCoordOnGround ()
Int3 GetMouseCoordAtHeight (Integer CoordY)
CBlock GetStartLineBlock ()
Boolean RemoveItem (CAnchorData Item)
Void CopyPaste_AddOrSubSelection (Int3 StartCoord, Int3 EndCoord)
Boolean CopyPaste_Symmetrize ()
Void SaveMacroblock (CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel)
CMacroblockModel GetMacroblockModelFromFilePath (Text MacroblockModelFilePath)
CBlockModel GetTerrainBlockModelFromName (Text TerrainBlockModelName)
CBlockModel GetBlockModelFromName (Text BlockModelName)
Text GetMapStyle ()
Void SetMapStyle (Text MapStyle)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CManiaApp
CUILayer UILayerCreate ()
Void UILayerDestroy (CUILayer Layer)
Void UILayerDestroyAll ()
Void LayerCustomEvent (CUILayer Layer, Text Type, Text[] Data)
Void OpenLink (Text Url, ELinkType LinkType)
Text Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables (CNod Nod, Boolean StatsOnly)

Public Attributes

const CEditorPluginEvent[] PendingEvents
const CMap Map
const Text MapName
const Boolean IsEditorReadyForRequest
Boolean HoldLoadingScreen
const ShadowsQuality CurrentShadowsQuality
const Boolean IsUltraShadowsQualityAvailable
PlaceMode PlaceMode
EditMode EditMode
Boolean UndergroundMode
Boolean BlockStockMode
Int3 CursorCoord
CardinalDirections CursorDir
CBlockModel CursorBlockModel
CBlockModel CursorTerrainBlockModel
CMacroblockModel CursorMacroblockModel
Real CameraVAngle
Real CameraHAngle
Real CameraToTargetDistance
Vec3 CameraTargetPosition
const Vec3 CameraPosition
Real ThumbnailCameraVAngle
Real ThumbnailCameraHAngle
Real ThumbnailCameraRoll
Real ThumbnailCameraFovY
Vec3 ThumbnailCameraPosition
Boolean EnableAirMapping
Boolean EnableMixMapping
const CItemAnchor[] Items
const Text[] MediatrackIngameClips
const Text[] MediatrackIngameIsScriptClips
Integer MediatrackIngameEditedClipIndex
const CBlock[] Blocks
const CBlockModel[] BlockModels
const CBlockModel[] TerrainBlockModels
const CMacroblockModel[] MacroblockModels
const CAnchorData[] AnchorData
Int3[] CustomSelectionCoords
Vec3 CustomSelectionRGB
Boolean EnableEditorInputsCustomProcessing
Boolean EnableCursorShowingWhenInterfaceIsFocused
Boolean HideEditorInterface
Boolean HideBlockHelpers
Boolean ShowPlacementGrid
Boolean IsTrustedPlugin_DevBuild
const EditorStatus EditorStatus
Boolean HideAlwaysCursorDirectionalArrow
Real CursorBrightnessFactor
Boolean EnableUnlimitedUndoHistory
Integer UndoHistorySize
Integer CoppersLimit
Boolean TurboClassicMapEditorMode
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Menu
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_SwitchToRace
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Undo
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Redo
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorUp
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorRight
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorDown
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorLeft
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorRaise
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorLower
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorTurn
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorPick
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorPlace
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorDelete
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CameraUp
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CameraRight
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CameraDown
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CameraLeft
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CameraZoomNext
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Camera0
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Camera1
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Camera3
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Camera7
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Camera9
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_PivotChange
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorTurnSlightly
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_CursorTurnSlightlyAntiClockwise
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_IconUp
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_IconRight
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_IconDown
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_IconLeft
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_RemoveAll
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_Save
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_SaveAs
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_MapStyle
const Boolean EditorInputIsDown_ClassicMapEditor
const Real CollectionSquareSize
const Real CollectionSquareHeight
const Integer CollectionGroundY
const ValidationStatus ValidationStatus
Text ManialinkText
const CMlPage ManialinkPage
- Public Attributes inherited from CManiaApp
const Integer Now
const Boolean IsVisible
const Integer CurrentDate
const Text CurrentLocalDateText
Integer LayersDefaultManialinkVersion
const CUser LocalUser
const CTitle LoadedTitle
const ESystemPlatform SystemPlatform
const ESystemSkuIdentifier SystemSkuIdentifier
Boolean EnableMenuNavigationInputs
const CUILayer[] UILayers
const CXmlManager Xml
const CHttpManager Http
const CVideoManager Video
const CAudioManager Audio
const CInputManager Input
const CDataMgr DataMgr
const CScoreMgr ScoreMgr
const CPrivilegeMgr PrivilegeMgr
const CPresenceMgr PresenceMgr
const CGameUserManagerScript UserMgr
const CManiaPlanet ManiaPlanet
const CGamePluginInterfacesScript Plugins
- Public Attributes inherited from CNod
const Ident Id

Detailed Description

Supported declare modes : Local Persistent API for the plugins of the map editor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ TestMapFromCoordWithMapTypeScript()

Void CEditorPlugin::TestMapFromCoordWithMapTypeScript ( Int3 Coord,
CardinalDirections Dir )

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

Member Data Documentation

◆ CoppersLimit

Integer CEditorPlugin::CoppersLimit

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

◆ CursorBrightnessFactor

Real CEditorPlugin::CursorBrightnessFactor

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

◆ EditorStatus

const EditorStatus CEditorPlugin::EditorStatus

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

◆ EnableUnlimitedUndoHistory

Boolean CEditorPlugin::EnableUnlimitedUndoHistory

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

◆ HideAlwaysCursorDirectionalArrow

Boolean CEditorPlugin::HideAlwaysCursorDirectionalArrow

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

◆ IsTrustedPlugin_DevBuild

Boolean CEditorPlugin::IsTrustedPlugin_DevBuild

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

◆ TurboClassicMapEditorMode

Boolean CEditorPlugin::TurboClassicMapEditorMode

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

◆ UndoHistorySize

Integer CEditorPlugin::UndoHistorySize

CAUTION: only in Turbo or developer build

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: