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Trackmania ManiaScript Reference 2024.12.12.1515
A ManiaScript Reference of the new Trackmania.
API for the mesh modeler. More...
#include <doc.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Integer | Layers_GetCount () |
Ident | Layers_GetLayerIdFromIndex (Integer LayerIndex) |
Text | Layers_GetLayerNameFromIndex (Integer LayerIndex) |
CEditorMesh::ELayerType | Layers_GetLayerTypeFromIndex (Integer LayerIndex) |
Boolean | Layers_GetLayerGeneratableFromIndex (Integer LayerIndex) |
Void | Layers_SetLayerGeneratableFromIndex (Integer LayerIndex, Boolean LayerGeneratability) |
Void | Layers_AddLayer (CEditorMesh::ELayerType LayerType) |
Ident | Layers_GetLayerIdSelected () |
Void | Layers_SetLayerIdSelected (Ident LayerId) |
CEditorMesh::ELayerType | Layers_GetLayerSelectedType () |
Integer | Layers_GetLayerSelectedIndex () |
CEditorMesh::ELayerType | Layers_GetEditedLayerType () |
Text | Layers_GetLayerSelectedName () |
Void | Layers_EditMask (Integer LayerIndex) |
Void | Layers_EditMaskValidate (Integer LayerIndex) |
Void | Layers_MoveSelectedLayerUp () |
Void | Layers_MoveSelectedLayerDown () |
Void | Layers_EditSelectedLayer (Boolean RegenerateSolid) |
Void | Layers_CloseEditSelectedLayer () |
Void | Layers_DeleteSelectedLayer () |
Integer | Transitions_GetCount () |
Void | Transitions_AddTransition (Text TransitionName, Integer TransitionPosition, Real TransitionSize) |
Void | Transitions_DeleteCurrentTransition () |
Integer | Transitions_GetTransitionSelectedIndex () |
Void | Transitions_SetTransitionSelectedIndex (Integer TransitionIndex) |
Integer | Transitions_GetTransitionCurrentPage () |
Void | Transitions_SetTransitionCurrentPage (Integer TransitionCurrentPage) |
Text | Transitions_GetTransitionNameFromIndex (Integer TransitionIndex) |
Void | Transitions_SetTransitionNameFromIndex (Integer TransitionIndex, Real TransitionName) |
Boolean | Transitions_GetTransitionVisibilityFromIndex (Integer TransitionIndex) |
Void | Transitions_SetTransitionVisibilityFromIndex (Integer TransitionIndex, Boolean TransitionVisibility) |
Real | Transitions_GetTransitionSizeFromIndex (Integer TransitionIndex) |
Void | Transitions_SetTransitionSizeFromIndex (Integer TransitionIndex, Real TransitionSize) |
Integer | Transitions_GetTransitionPositionFromIndex (Integer TransitionIndex) |
Void | Transitions_SetTransitionPositionFromIndex (Integer TransitionIndex, Integer TransitionPosition) |
Void | EditionBox_SetStep (Real Step) |
Void | EditedMesh_Clear () |
Void | EditedMesh_Simplify () |
Void | EditedMesh_SimplifySelection () |
Void | EditedMesh_Lod (Real FacesRatio) |
Void | UVUnwrap (Ident SetHandle, CEditorMesh::ETexCoordLayer ETexCoordLayer) |
Void | Undo () |
Void | Redo () |
Void | SwitchPlane () |
Void | GridSnap_SetActive (Boolean IsActive) |
Vec3 | PickInfo_GetNormal () |
Vec3 | PickInfo_GetPosition () |
Ident | PickInfo_GetAnchorId () |
Real | PickInfo_GetEdgeLength () |
Vec3 | PickInfo_GetNextVertexPosition () |
Ident | PickInfo_GetMaterial () |
Text | PickInfo_GetError () |
Void | Part_SetAnchorPos (Vec3 Position) |
Void | Part_SetIsJoint (Boolean IsJoint) |
Void | Part_ClearAnchor () |
Void | Joint_Add (Vec3 Position) |
Void | Joint_Link (Ident IdChild, Ident IdParent) |
Void | Anchor_Remove (Ident Id) |
Ident | Material_GetMaterialIdSelected () |
Void | Material_SetMaterialIdSelected (Ident MaterialEditorId) |
Ident | MaterialDyna_GetMaterialIdSelected () |
Void | MaterialDyna_SetMaterialIdSelected (Ident DynaMaterialType) |
Integer | Material_GetSubTexIndexSelected () |
Integer | Material_MaterialLibGetCount () |
Void | Material_SetDefault (Ident MaterialId) |
Ident | Material_GetDefault () |
Ident | MaterialPhysic_GetDefault () |
Integer | MaterialPhysic_GetIndex () |
Integer | MaterialPhysic_GetGameplayId (Ident MaterialId) |
CImage | MaterialPhysic_GetNextBitmap () |
Ident | MaterialDyna_GetDefault () |
Void | MaterialDyna_SetDefault (Ident MaterialId) |
CImage | Material_GetBitmapBase (Ident MaterialId) |
CImage | Material_GetBitmap (Ident MaterialId) |
CImage | MaterialDyna_GetBitmap (Ident MaterialId) |
Boolean | Material_IsSpecialColored (Ident MaterialId) |
Boolean | Material_MatchesCriterion (Ident MaterialId, CEditorMesh::EMaterialFilterCriterion ResultSetHandle) |
Void | Material_SetFilter (CEditorMesh::EMaterialFilterCriterion Criterion, CEditorMesh::EFilterKind FilterKind) |
CEditorMesh::EFilterKind | Material_GetFilter (CEditorMesh::EMaterialFilterCriterion Criterion) |
Void | Material_ClearFilters () |
Void | Material_UVEditor_SetIsRotation (Boolean IsRotation) |
Void | Material_UVEditor_SetIsScale (Boolean IsScale) |
Void | Material_UVEditor_SetIsScale1D (Boolean IsScale) |
Void | Material_UVEditor_Open (Ident MaterialId, CMlQuad LocationQuad) |
Void | Material_UVEditor_Close () |
Boolean | Material_UVEditor_IsRunning () |
Void | Material_UVEditor_SetMode (CEditorMesh::EUVEditorMode Mode) |
CEditorMesh::EUVEditorMode | Material_UVEditor_GetMode () |
Void | Material_UVEditor_SetProjectionType (CEditorMesh::EUVEditorProjectionType ProjectionType) |
Boolean | Material_IsGameMaterial () |
Boolean | Material_IsCustomLinkFull (Ident MaterialId) |
Void | Material_UVEditor_Apply () |
Void | Material_CopyMaterial (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | Material_PasteMaterial (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | Interaction_Close () |
Void | Interaction_SetPreview (Ident SetToPreview) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartCreation (Ident CreationSetHandle, CEditorMesh::EElemType ElemType, Ident SetToPickFromHandle) |
Void | Interaction_Creation_GetElems (Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | Interaction_Creation_ClearParams () |
Void | Interaction_Creation_SetEdgesConstraint (CEditorMesh::EEdgesConstraint EdgesConstraint) |
Void | Interaction_Creation_SetAutoMerge (Boolean AutoMerge) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartPaste () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartBlocTransformation (Ident TransformationSetHandle) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartCurve2D (Ident BordersSetHandle) |
Void | Interaction_CloseCurve2D (Boolean CanDoCurve2D) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartPick (CEditorMesh::EElemType ElemType, Ident SetToPickFrom) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartPickJoint () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartVoxelPickDrag_Base (CEditorMesh::EElemType ElemType) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartVoxelPickDrag_Creation () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartVoxelPickDrag_Delete () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartVoxelPickDrag_Select (Ident SelectionSetHandle) |
Void | Interaction_CloseVoxelPickDrag_Select () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartVoxelPickDrag_Pick () |
Void | Interaction_CloseVoxelPickDrag_Pick () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartVoxelPickDrag_SelectTranslation () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartVoxelPickDrag_SelectRotation () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartVoxelPickDrag_Paste () |
Void | CutVoxels () |
Void | CopyVoxels () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartMerge (Ident MergeSetHandle) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartMirror (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | Interaction_Selection_ClearParams () |
Void | Interaction_Selection_SetUseParts (Boolean UseParts) |
Void | Interaction_Selection_SetCanEnterLeaf (Boolean CanEnterLeaf) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartSelection (Ident SelectionSetHandle, CEditorMesh::EElemType ElemType, Ident SelectionSetToPickFrom, Boolean IsFromALayer, Boolean AllowDoubleClick) |
Void | Interaction_CloseSelection () |
Boolean | Interaction_StartTranslation (Ident TranslationSetHandle) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartPickTranslation (Ident TranslationSetHandle) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartRotation (Ident RotationSetHandle) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartPickRotation (Ident RotationSetHandle) |
Void | Interaction_Rotation_SetStep (Real RotationStep) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartPickScale (Ident ScalingSetHandle) |
Void | Interaction_Scale_SetStep (Real ScalingStep) |
Boolean | Interaction_StartSplit () |
Void | Display_HighlightSet (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | Display_ClearHighlighting () |
Void | Display_HideElemsByDistance_Start (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | Display_HideElemsByDistance_Stop () |
Void | Display_HideMap () |
Void | Display_ShowMap () |
Void | MergeAllSuperposedElements (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | Selection_Undo () |
Void | Selection_Redo () |
Void | Selection_Invert () |
Void | Selection_SelectAllByMaterial () |
Ident | SetOfElements_Create () |
Void | SetOfElements_CopyFrom (Ident DestinationSet, Ident SourceSet) |
Void | SetOfElements_Append (Ident DestinationSet, Ident SourceSet) |
Void | SetOfElements_Destroy (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_Empty (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_SetAllElements (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_SetAllFaces (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_DeleteElements (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_DeleteElements (Ident SetHandle, Boolean Spread) |
Boolean | SetOfElements_HasHorizontalFaces (Ident SetHandle) |
Boolean | SetOfElements_HasVerticalFaces (Ident SetHandle) |
Integer | SetOfElements_GetElemsCount (Ident SetHandle) |
Integer | SetOfElements_GetVerticesCount (Ident SetHandle) |
Integer | SetOfElements_GetEdgesCount (Ident SetHandle) |
Integer | SetOfElements_GetFacesCount (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | ExtendSelectedSet (Ident SetHandle) |
Boolean | GetBordersSet (Ident SetHandle, Ident SetBordersHandle) |
Void | GetBordersVertexs (Ident SetHandle, Ident SetVertexHandle) |
Void | SelectionSet_SelectAll () |
Void | Curve2DPolygon (Ident FourVertexSetHandle, Ident Sethandle, Integer SubTexIndex) |
Void | Preview_Clear () |
Void | VoxelSpace_SetVec3 (Vec3 Pos) |
Integer | VoxelSpace_GetVoxelsCount () |
Void | VoxelSpace_SelectAll () |
Void | VoxelSpace_DeleteOneVoxel () |
Void | VoxelSpace_DeleteSelection () |
Void | VoxelSpace_ApplyMaterialToVoxel () |
Void | VoxelSpace_GenerateMesh () |
Void | SetOfElements_ProjectOnPlane (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_ProjectOnGround (Ident SetHandle, Real Height) |
Void | SetOfElements_SplitEdgeWithVertex (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_CollapseEdgeWithVertex (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_Subdivide (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfElements_Subdivide_Interpolation (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawCircle (Ident InputSetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawDisc (Ident InputSetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawCircle (Ident CenterSetHandle, Vec3 PointOnCircle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawIcosahedron (Ident InputSetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawIcosahedron (Ident CenterSetHandle, Vec3 PointOnCircle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawIcosahedricSphere (Ident InputSetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawPoly (Ident InputSetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle, Integer VerticesCount) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawPoly (Ident CenterSetHandle, Vec3 PointOnPoly, Ident ResultSetHandle, Integer VerticesCount) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawSpline (Ident ControlSetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_Weld (Ident VerticesSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfVertices_DrawBox (Ident ControlSetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfEdges_Fill (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfEdges_Flip (Ident SetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfEdges_BorderExpand (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfOneEdge_FaceLoopExpand (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfOneEdge_EdgeLoopExpand (Ident SetHandle) |
Void | SetOfOneFace_CutHole (Ident FaceSetHandle, Ident EdgesSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfFaces_Extrude (Ident SetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfFaces_QuadsToTriangles (Ident SetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfFaces_TrianglesToQuads (Ident SetHandle, Ident ResultSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfFaces_ApplyMaterial (Ident SetHandle, Ident MaterialId) |
Void | SetOfFaces_PlanarExpand (Ident FacesSetHandle) |
Void | SetOfFaces_ChangeOrientation (Ident FacesSetHandle) |
Void | Prefabs_Reload () |
Void | Prefab_Export () |
Void | Prefab_Import (Integer PrefabIndex) |
Boolean | Parts_CanMergeParts () |
Boolean | Parts_CanGroupParts () |
Boolean | Parts_CanUngroupParts () |
Int3 | Parts_GetOpsState () |
Void | Parts_MergeSelectedParts () |
Void | Parts_Group () |
Void | Parts_UngroupSelectedParts () |
Void | Cut () |
Void | Copy () |
Void | AddUndoState () |
Boolean | AutoSave (Text FileName) |
CEditorMesh::ETitleCoreType | GetTitleCoreType () |
Public Attributes | |
Boolean | GoToMaterialEditor |
Boolean | IsCreateMaterial |
Boolean | IsEditingLayer |
Integer | SubdivideSmooth_NbSteps |
Real | LayerValueAxisX |
Real | LayerValueAxisY |
Real | LayerValueAxisZ |
Boolean | LayerIndep |
Real | LayerValueParam1 |
Real | LayerValueParam2 |
Real | LayerValueParam3 |
Real | LayerValueParam4 |
Boolean | LayerIndexAxisX |
Boolean | LayerIndexAxisY |
Boolean | LayerIndexAxisZ |
Boolean | Layer_IsVisible |
Boolean | Layer_IsCollidable |
Text | LayerName |
Boolean | LayerGeneratable |
Boolean | AddTransitionInProgress |
Text | NewTransitionName |
Integer | NewTransitionPosition |
Real | NewTransitionSize |
Integer | RotateAxis |
Boolean const | Tmp_UseParts |
Boolean const | IsDebug |
Boolean | CameraEatingInputsScript |
Integer const | VertexCount |
Integer const | EdgeCount |
Integer const | FaceCount |
Boolean const | EditionBox_IsPlaneOriented |
Real const | Scale |
Real const | Step |
Real const | Size |
Integer const | RotationStep |
Real const | RotationValue |
Real const | ScalingStep |
Real const | ScalingRatio |
Boolean | DisplayVertices |
Boolean | DisplayFaces |
Boolean | DisplayJoints |
CEditorMesh::EEdgesDisplay | DisplayEdges |
Boolean const | GridSnap_IsActive |
Boolean | IsUsingPhysicMatLib |
Integer const | MaterialGameplayIdNumber |
Integer const | MaterialsUpdateId |
Array< Ident > | MaterialIds |
Array< Ident > | MaterialPhysicsIds |
Array< Ident > | MaterialDynaIds |
Array< Text > | MaterialNames |
Array< Text > | MaterialPhysicsNames |
Array< Integer > | MaterialPhysics_GameplayRemap |
Array< Text > | MaterialDynaNames |
Array< Vec3 > | MaterialLastUsedColors |
Array< Vec3 > | MaterialBaseColors |
Vec3 | CurrentColorForSpecialMaterials |
Integer const | Material_Atlas_SelectedSubTexIndex |
CEditorMesh::EInteraction const | CurrentInteraction |
Integer const | CreationElemsCount |
Boolean const | Display_HideElemsByDistance_IsActive |
Integer | Display_HideElemsByDistance_Distance |
Real | Display_HideElemsByDistance_Opacity |
Ident const | SelectionSet |
Vec3 | VoxelSpaceCenter |
Vec3 | VoxelSpaceAngle |
Real | VoxelSpaceStep |
Boolean | VoxelSpaceIsInteractive |
Array< Text > | PrefabNames |
Integer const | PrefabNamesUpdateId |
Integer | PrefabListCurrentPage |
Integer | Prefab_TotalNb |
Array< CEditorEvent *const > | PendingEvents |
Boolean | MustClearLastSaveBuffer |
Boolean const | IsExperimental |
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Ident const | Id |
API for the mesh modeler.
Supported declare modes :