Trackmania ManiaScript Reference 2024.12.12.1515
A ManiaScript Reference of the new Trackmania.
A Shootmania player. More...
#include <doc.h>
Public Types | |
enum | ESpawnStatus { NotSpawned , Spawning , Spawned } |
Public Attributes | |
CSmScore *const | Score |
CSmPlayer::ESpawnStatus const | SpawnStatus |
Integer const | StartTime |
Integer | EndTime |
Array< Integer > | RaceWaypointTimes |
Array< Integer > | LapWaypointTimes |
Array< Integer > | CurrentLapWaypointTimes |
Array< Integer > | PreviousLapWaypointTimes |
Integer const | CurrentLapNumber |
Integer const | CurrentRaceTime |
Integer const | CurrentLapTime |
Integer const | CurrentRaceRespawns |
Integer const | CurrentLapRespawns |
Real | AmmoGain |
Integer | ActionWheelSelectedSlotIndex |
Integer | Armor |
Integer | ArmorMax |
Integer | ArmorGain |
Integer | ArmorReplenishGain |
Real | ArmorPower |
Integer | Stamina |
Integer const | StaminaMaxValue |
Real | StaminaMax |
Real | StaminaGain |
Real | StaminaPower |
Real | SpeedPower |
Real | JumpPower |
Boolean | AllowWallJump |
Boolean | AllowProgressiveJump |
Boolean | UseAlternateWeaponVisual |
Ident | ForceModelId |
Boolean | IsHighlighted |
Real | EnergyLevel |
Vec3 | ForceColor |
Text | Dossard |
Text | Dossard_Number |
Text | Dossard_Trigram |
Vec3 | Dossard_Color |
Real const | GetLinearHue |
Real | ForceLinearHue |
Boolean | ForceLightTrail |
Boolean | HasShield |
Boolean const | IsInVehicle |
Boolean | IsStuck |
Real | ThrowSpeed |
Integer const | CurrentClan |
Integer const | IdleDuration |
Boolean const | IsEntityStateAvailable |
Vec3 const | Position |
Real const | AimYaw |
Real const | AimPitch |
Real const | AimRoll |
Vec3 const | AimDirection |
Vec3 const | UpDirection |
Vec3 const | LeftDirection |
Vec3 const | Velocity |
Real const | Speed |
Boolean const | IsUnderground |
Boolean const | IsTouchingGround |
Boolean const | IsInAir |
Boolean const | IsInWater |
Boolean const | IsInOffZone |
Boolean const | IsOnTech |
Boolean const | IsOnTechGround |
Boolean const | IsOnTechLaser |
Boolean const | IsOnTechArrow |
Boolean const | IsOnTechNucleus |
Boolean const | IsOnTechArmor |
Boolean const | IsOnTechSafeZone |
Boolean const | IsOnTechTeleport |
Boolean const | IsOnTechNoWeapon |
Boolean const | IsPowerJumpActivable |
Boolean const | IsTeleportActivable |
Boolean const | IsAttractorActivable |
Integer const | NbActiveAttractors |
Boolean const | IsCapturing |
CSmMapLandmark *const | CapturedLandmark |
Array< CSmObject *const > | Objects |
CModeVehicle *const | Vehicle |
Boolean const | IsFakePlayer |
Boolean const | IsBot |
Boolean | UseCrudeExtrapolation |
Boolean | TrustClientSimu |
CSmPlayerDriver *const | Driver |
Real | AccelCoef |
Real | ControlCoef |
Real | GravityCoef |
Real | AdherenceCoef |
Real const | Upwardness |
Real const | Distance |
Integer const | DisplaySpeed |
Real const | InputSteer |
Real const | InputGasPedal |
Boolean const | InputIsBraking |
Real const | EngineRpm |
Integer const | EngineCurGear |
Real const | EngineTurboRatio |
Integer const | WheelsContactCount |
Integer const | WheelsSkiddingCount |
Integer const | FlyingDuration |
Integer const | SkiddingDuration |
Real const | SkiddingDistance |
Real const | FlyingDistance |
CStuntStatus *const | Stunt |
Integer const | HandicapNoGasDuration |
Integer const | HandicapForceGasDuration |
Integer const | HandicapNoBrakesDuration |
Integer const | HandicapNoSteeringDuration |
Integer const | HandicapNoGripDuration |
Public Attributes inherited from CPlayer | |
CUser *const | User |
Integer const | RequestedClan |
Boolean const | RequestsSpectate |
Integer | LandmarkOrderSelector_Race |
Public Attributes inherited from CEntity | |
Ident const | MarkerId |
Public Attributes inherited from CNod | |
Ident const | Id |
A Shootmania player.
Supported declare modes :
Real CSmPlayer::AccelCoef |
Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::AdherenceCoef |
Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::AmmoGain |
Values in range (0.000000-10.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::ArmorPower |
Values in range (0.100000-10.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::ControlCoef |
Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)
Text CSmPlayer::Dossard |
5 ascii chars (ex: '01TMN') or empty for default value
Real CSmPlayer::EnergyLevel |
Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)
Real const CSmPlayer::GetLinearHue |
Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::GravityCoef |
Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::JumpPower |
Values in range (0.100000-1.000000)
Equals CurrentLapWaypointTimes when not empty. If it is empty (i.e. before the 1st CP of a new lap), equals PreviousLapWaypointTimes.
Real CSmPlayer::SpeedPower |
Values in range (0.100000-1.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::StaminaGain |
Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::StaminaMax |
Values in range (0.100000-3.000000)
Real CSmPlayer::StaminaPower |
Values in range (0.100000-1.000000)
CStuntStatus* const CSmPlayer::Stunt |
Latest stunt event, and stunt currently building-up. Available when UseStunts
is enabled.
Real CSmPlayer::ThrowSpeed |
Values in range (0.000000-500.000000)
Boolean CSmPlayer::UseCrudeExtrapolation |
Use a low-fi extrapolation to display the player. This extrapolation mode does not take interactions into account. Only use it when this player does not interact with other player (e.g. TM TimeAttack, SM Obstacle).