Trackmania ManiaScript Reference 2024.12.12.1515
A ManiaScript Reference of the new Trackmania.
Rules API for ShootMania gamemodes. More...
#include <doc.h>
Public Types | |
enum | ESmScoreSortOrder { TotalPoints , RoundPoints , EliminationsInflicted , EliminationsTaken , Respawns , DamageInflicted , DamageTaken , BestRace , BestLap , PrevRace , Name , LadderRank } |
enum | EWeapon { Laser , Nucleus , Arrow , Rocket , Missile } |
enum | EActionSlot { Slot_A , Slot_B , Slot_C , Slot_D , Slot_E , Slot_F , Slot_G , Slot_H } |
enum | EActionInput { Weapon , Secondary , Movement , QuickAccess1 , QuickAccess2 , QuickAccess3 , QuickAccess4 , QuickAccess5 , QuickAccess6 , QuickAccess7 , QuickAccess8 , QuickAccess9 , QuickAccess0 , Consumable1 , Consumable2 , None } |
enum | EGameplay { Default , Mp3Beta0 } |
enum | ERespawnBehaviour { Custom , DoNothing , GiveUpBeforeFirstCheckpoint , AlwaysGiveUp , AlwaysRespawn } |
enum | ECheckpointBehaviour { Custom , Default , InfiniteLaps } |
enum | EGiveUpBehaviour { Custom , DoNothing , GiveUp } |
enum | EVehicleTransformType { Reset , CarSnow , CarRally , CarDesert } |
Public Types inherited from CMode | |
enum | EMedal { None , Finished , Bronze , Silver , Gold , Author } |
Public Member Functions | |
Real | Mood_GetTimeOfDay () |
Void | Mood_SetTimeOfDay (Real Time01) |
Integer | Mood_GetDayDuration () |
Boolean | Mood_IsNight () |
CSmPlayer | GetPlayer (CUIConfig UI) |
CSmPlayer | GetPlayer (Text Login) |
Void | Save_Request (Text FileName) |
Void | Load_Request (Text FileName) |
Boolean | SetPlayer_DelayedIsFull (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_AdherenceCoef (CSmPlayer Player, Real AdherenceCoef) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_ControlCoef (CSmPlayer Player, Real ControlCoef) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_AccelCoef (CSmPlayer Player, Real AccelCoef) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_GravityCoef (CSmPlayer Player, Real GravityCoef) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_TireWear (CSmPlayer Player, Real TireWear) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_Reset (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_NoEngine (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_ForceEngine (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_NoBrakes (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_NoSteer (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_BoostUp (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_BoostDown (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_Boost2Up (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_Boost2Down (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_SlowMotion (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_Fragile (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_Cruise (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate, Real CruiseSpeedValue) |
Void | SetPlayer_Delayed_VehicleTransform (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EVehicleTransformType VehicleTransformType) |
Void | SetPlayerVehicle_ControlledByMode (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayerVehicle_Accelerate (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Activate) |
Void | SetPlayerVehicle_TargetSpeedValue (CSmPlayer Player, Real TargetSpeedValue) |
Void | SetPlayerVehicle_MaxSpeedValue (CSmPlayer Player, Real MaxSpeedValue) |
Void | SetPlayerVehicle_BrakeValue (CSmPlayer Player, Real BrakeValue) |
Void | SetPlayerVehicle_SteerValue (CSmPlayer Player, Real SteerValue) |
Void | SetPlayerVehicle_ResetControlledModeValues (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | SetGameModeNameAndCustomData (Text GameModeName) |
Void | SetGameModeNameAndCustomData (Text GameModeName, Text Leaderbord_CustomData) |
Void | SetGameModeNameAndCustomData (Text GameModeName, Text Leaderbord_CustomData, Text GhostDriver_CustomData) |
Void | SetClubLogoUrl (Text ClubLogoUrl) |
Void | SetDecoImageUrl_DecalSponsor4x1 (Text ImageUrl) |
Void | SetDecoImageUrl_Screen16x9 (Text ImageUrl) |
Void | SetDecoImageUrl_Screen8x1 (Text ImageUrl) |
Void | SetDecoImageUrl_Screen16x1 (Text ImageUrl) |
Void | PassOn (CSmModeEvent Event) |
Void | Discard (CSmModeEvent Event) |
Void | SpawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, Integer ClanNum, Integer Armor, CMapSpawn PlayerSpawn, Integer ActivationDate) |
Void | SpawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, Integer ClanNum, CModeTurret Turret, Integer ActivationDate) |
Void | SpawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, Integer ClanNum, CModeVehicle Vehicle, Integer ActivationDate) |
Void | SpawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, Integer ClanNum, CModeVehicle Vehicle, Integer SlotIndex, Integer ActivationDate) |
Void | SpawnBotPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, Integer ClanNum, Integer Armor, CMapSpawn PlayerSpawn, Integer ActivationDate) |
Void | SpawnBotPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, Integer ClanNum, Integer Armor, CMapBotPath BotPath, Integer ActivationDate) |
Void | SpawnBotPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, Integer ClanNum, Integer Armor, CMapBotSpawn BotSpawn, Integer ActivationDate) |
Void | SpawnBotPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, CSmPlayer Owner, Integer Armor, Vec3 Offset, Integer ActivationDate) |
Void | UnspawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Scores_SetSortCriteria (CSmMode::ESmScoreSortOrder Criteria) |
Void | Scores_ComputeLadderRank (CSmMode::ESmScoreSortOrder Criteria) |
Void | Scores_ClearAll () |
Void | Score_ClearPrevRace (CSmScore Score) |
Void | Score_ClearPrevLap (CSmScore Score) |
Void | Score_Clear (CSmScore Score) |
Void | SetPlayerClan (CSmPlayer Player, Integer ClanNum) |
Void | SetPlayerWeapon (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EWeapon DefaultWeapon, Boolean AutoSwitchWeapon) |
Void | SetPlayerWeaponAvailable (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EWeapon Weapon, Boolean Available) |
Void | SetPlayerAllWeaponAvailable (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Available) |
Void | SetPlayerReloadAllWeapons (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean ReloadAllWeapons) |
Void | SetPlayerAmmo (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EWeapon Weapon, Integer Count) |
Integer | GetPlayerAmmo (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EWeapon Weapon) |
Void | AddPlayerAmmo (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EWeapon Weapon, Real DeltaCount) |
Void | SetPlayerAmmoMax (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EWeapon Weapon, Integer Count) |
Integer | GetPlayerAmmoMax (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EWeapon Weapon) |
Void | Entity_AddArmor (CEntity Victim, Integer DeltaArmor, CEntity Shooter, Integer ShooterPoints) |
Void | Entity_RemoveArmor (CEntity Victim, Integer DeltaArmor, CEntity Shooter, Integer ShooterPoints) |
Void | Entity_TriggerTurbo (CEntity Target, Integer StartTime) |
Integer | GetWeaponNum (CSmMode::EWeapon Weapon) |
Boolean | CanRespawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | RespawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | RespawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, CMapWaypoint Waypoint) |
Void | RespawnPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, CMapSpawn Spawn) |
Void | GiveUpBehaviour_RespawnAfter_SetLandmark (CSmPlayer Player, CMapSpawn Spawn, Integer Date) |
Void | SetNbBotPlayers (Integer NbClan1, Integer NbClan2) |
CSmPlayer | CreateBotPlayer (Ident ModelId, Integer ClanNum) |
Void | DestroyBotPlayer (CSmPlayer BotPlayer) |
Void | DestroyAllBotPlayers () |
Ident | ActionGetModelId (Text ActionName) |
Void | ActionLoad (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionSlot ActionSlot, Ident ModelId) |
Void | ActionLoad (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionSlot ActionSlot, Ident ModelId, Boolean MeleeMode) |
Void | ActionLoad (CModeVehicle Vehicle, Integer VehicleSlotIndex, CSmMode::EActionSlot ActionSlot, Ident ModelId) |
Void | ActionLoad (CModeTurret Turret, CSmMode::EActionSlot ActionSlot, Ident ModelId) |
Integer | Action_GetCooldown (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionInput ActionInput) |
Integer | Action_GetRemainingCooldown (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionInput ActionInput) |
Void | ActionBind (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionSlot ActionSlot, CSmMode::EActionInput ActionInput) |
Void | ActionUnBind (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionInput ActionInput) |
Void | ActionSetVariant1 (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionSlot ActionSlot, Integer ActionVariant) |
Void | ActionSetVariant2 (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionSlot ActionSlot, Integer ActionVariant) |
Void | ActionSetVariant3 (CSmPlayer Player, CSmMode::EActionSlot ActionSlot, Integer ActionVariant) |
CSmObject | ObjectCreate (Ident ModelId) |
Void | ObjectDestroy (CSmObject Object) |
Void | ObjectDestroyAll () |
Void | RemoveShieldArmor (Integer VictimShieldId, Integer Damage) |
Void | Replay_SaveAttackScore (CSmPlayer Player, Integer Score) |
Void | Replay_SaveDefenseScore (CSmPlayer Player, Integer Score) |
Void | Replay_SaveTeamScore (Integer Team, Integer Score) |
Void | Replay_SavePlayerOfInterest (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Replay_SaveWinner (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Replay_SaveInterface () |
Void | Player_BeginNewRace (CSmPlayer Player, Integer AbsoluteTime) |
Void | Player_BeginNewLap (CSmPlayer Player, Integer RaceTime) |
Void | Player_RemoveLastWaypointTime (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Player_AddWaypointTime (CSmPlayer Player, Integer Time, CSmMapLandmark Landmark) |
Void | Player_SetFinishTime (CSmPlayer Player, Integer Time, CSmMapLandmark Landmark) |
Void | Player_ClearRaceWaypointTimes (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Player_ClearLapWaypointTimes (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Player_SetPlayerCurRaceAsScoreBestRace (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Player_SetPlayerCurRaceAsScorePrevRace (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Player_SetPlayerCurLapAsScoreBestLap (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Player_SetPlayerCurLapAsScorePrevLap (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Player_SetPlayerPrevLapAsScoreBestLap (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Player_SetPlayerPrevLapAsScorePrevLap (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | Ghosts_SetStartTime (Integer StartTime) |
Void | Ghosts_SetMaxAlpha (Real MaxAlpha) |
CGhost | Ghost_RetrieveFromPlayer (CSmPlayer Player) |
CGhost | Ghost_RetrieveFromPlayer (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean TruncateLaunchedCheckpointsRespawns) |
Void | Ghost_CopyToScoreBestRaceAndLap (CGhost Ghost, CSmScore Score) |
Void | GhostRecorder_SetEnabled (CSmPlayer Player, Boolean Value) |
Void | GhostRecorder_Ghosts_Select (CSmPlayer Player) |
Void | GhostRecorder_Clear (CSmPlayer Player) |
CSmMapLandmark | GhostDriver_Playlist_GetNextSpawn (CPlayer Player) |
Public Member Functions inherited from CMode | |
Void | TaskResult_Release (Ident TaskId) |
Void | TweakTeamColorsToAvoidHueOverlap () |
Void | RequestLoadMap () |
Void | RequestUnloadMap () |
Void | Hud_Load (Text ModuleName) |
Void | PassOn (CUIConfigEvent EventToPassOn) |
Void | Discard (CUIConfigEvent EventToDiscard) |
Void | Ladder_OpenMatch_Request () |
Void | Ladder_AddPlayer (CScore PlayerScore) |
Void | Ladder_OpenMatch_BeginRequest () |
Void | Ladder_OpenMatch_AddPlayer (CScore PlayerScore) |
Void | Ladder_OpenMatch_EndRequest () |
Void | Ladder_CloseMatchRequest () |
Void | Ladder_CancelMatchRequest () |
Void | Ladder_SetResultsVersion (Integer Version) |
Void | Ladder_SetMatchMakingMatchId (Integer MatchId) |
Void | Ladder_EnableChallengeMode (Boolean Enable) |
Void | Trophy_CompetitionMatch_AddResult (Text WebServicesUserId, Integer MatchRank, Integer TrophyRanking) |
Void | Trophy_CompetitionMatch_ClearResultList () |
CTaskResult_AccountTrophyGainList | Trophy_CompetitionMatch_SendResultList (Text CompetitionName, Text CompetitionStage, Text CompetitionStageStep, Text CompetitionMatchInfo) |
Void | Trophy_LiveTimeAttackAchievement_AddResult (Text WebServicesUserId, Integer MatchRank, Integer TrophyRanking) |
Void | Trophy_LiveTimeAttackAchievement_ClearResultList () |
CTaskResult_AccountTrophyGainList | Trophy_LiveTimeAttackAchievement_SendResultList (Integer Duration) |
Void | AutoTeamBalance () |
Void | Solo_SetNewRecord (CScore PlayerScore, CMode::EMedal PlayerScore) |
Integer | Synchro_AddBarrier () |
Boolean | Synchro_BarrierReached (Integer Barrier) |
Boolean | Users_AreAllies (CUser User1, CUser User2) |
Void | Users_RequestSwitchToSpectator (CUser User) |
CUser | Users_CreateFake (Text NickName, Integer RequestedTeam) |
Void | Users_DestroyFake (CUser User) |
Void | Users_SetNbFakeUsers (Integer NbTeam1, Integer NbTeam2) |
Void | Users_DestroyAllFakes () |
Void | ItemList_Begin () |
Boolean | ItemList_Begin () |
Ident | ItemList_Add (Text ModelName) |
Ident | ItemList_AddWithSkin (Text ModelName, Text SkinNameOrUrl) |
Ident | ItemList_AddWithSkin (Text ModelName, Text SkinNameOrUrl, Text SkinOptions) |
Void | ItemList_End () |
Void | DemoToken_StartUsingToken () |
Void | DemoToken_StopUsingToken () |
Void | DemoToken_GetAndUseToken (CUser User) |
Void | ActionList_Begin () |
Boolean | ActionList_Begin () |
Ident | ActionList_Add (Text ActionName) |
Void | ActionList_End () |
Void | Replay_Start () |
Void | Replay_Stop () |
Void | Activity_Match_Create_Begin (Text ActivityId) |
Void | Activity_Match_Create_AddPlayer (Text WebServicesUserId, Text TeamName) |
Void | Activity_Match_Create_AddTeam (Text TeamName) |
Void | Activity_Match_Create_End () |
Void | Activity_Match_ReportResult_Begin () |
Void | Activity_Match_ReportResult_SetPlayerResult (Text WebServicesUserId, Integer Rank, Integer Score) |
Void | Activity_Match_ReportResult_SetTeamResult (Text TeamName, Integer Rank, Integer Score) |
Void | Activity_Match_ReportResult_End () |
Void | Ghost_Release (Ident GhostId) |
Void | GhostDriver_Playlist_Clear (CPlayer Player) |
Void | GhostDriver_Playlist_Add (CPlayer Player, CGhost Ghost) |
Void | GhostDriver_UploadLimits_Begin () |
Void | GhostDriver_UploadLimits_AddLevel (Integer TeamLevel) |
CWebServicesTaskResult_GhostDriver_UploadLimits | GhostDriver_UploadLimits_End () |
Void | GhostDriver_Upload_Begin (Integer TeamLevel) |
Void | GhostDriver_Upload_TeamMember_Begin () |
Void | GhostDriver_Upload_AddGhost (CGhost Ghost) |
Void | GhostDriver_Upload_TeamMember_End () |
CTaskResult | GhostDriver_Upload_End () |
Void | GhostDriver_Download_Begin () |
Void | GhostDriver_Download_AddRange (Integer TeamLevelMin, Integer TeamLevelMax, Integer Count) |
CWebServicesTaskResult_GhostDriver_Download | GhostDriver_Download_End () |
CTaskResult_MapRecordList | MapRecord_GetListByMapAndPlayerList (Ident UserId, Array< Text > WebServicesUserIdList, Text MapUid, Text ScopeType, Text ScopeId, Text GameMode, Text GameModeCustomData) |
Void | GameScene_ResetAll () |
Text | Dbg_DumpDeclareForVariables (CNod Nod, Boolean StatsOnly) |
Public Attributes | |
Integer | StartTime |
Integer | EndTime |
Integer | SpawnInvulnerabilityDuration |
Integer | UnspawnAnimDuration |
Integer | SpawnDelayDuration |
CSmMode::ERespawnBehaviour | RespawnBehaviour |
CSmMode::ECheckpointBehaviour | CheckpointBehaviour |
CSmMode::EGiveUpBehaviour | GiveUpBehaviour |
Boolean | GiveUpBehaviour_RespawnAfter |
Boolean | GiveUpBehaviour_SkipAfterFinishLine |
Integer | LapCountOverride |
Boolean | UseMultiClans |
Boolean | UseClans |
Boolean | UseForcedClans |
Boolean | UsePvECollisions |
Boolean | UsePvPCollisions |
Boolean | UseGuns |
Boolean | UsePvPWeapons |
Boolean | UseInterractiveScreensIn3d |
Boolean | UseLaserVsBullets |
Boolean | UseLaserSkewering |
Boolean | UsePlayerTagging |
Boolean | UseBeaconsWithRecipients |
Boolean | UseAmmoBonusOnHit |
Boolean | UseSameWallJump |
Boolean | UseDefaultActionEvents |
Boolean | UseLaunchedCheckpoints |
Boolean | ReadonlyLaunchedCheckpoints |
Boolean | CharCanFly |
Boolean | UseProtectClanmates |
Boolean | UseAllies |
Boolean | UseStunts |
Boolean | CanReTriggerLatestWaypoint |
Boolean | DisableDefaultSkinPreload |
Integer | GameplayVersion |
CSmMode::EGameplay | Gameplay |
Real | OffZoneRadius |
Real | OffZoneRadiusSpeed |
Ident | OffZoneCenterLandmarkId |
Integer const | PlayersNbTotal |
Integer const | PlayersNbAlive |
Integer const | PlayersNbDead |
Integer const | ClansNbTotal |
Integer const | ClansNbAlive |
Integer const | ClansNbDead |
Array< Integer > | ClansNbPlayers |
Array< Integer > | ClansNbPlayersAlive |
Array< CSmPlayer *const > | Players |
Array< CSmPlayer *const > | BotPlayers |
Array< CSmPlayer *const > | Spectators |
Array< CSmPlayer *const > | AllPlayers |
Array< CSmModeEvent *const > | PendingEvents |
Array< CSmMapBase *const > | MapBases |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks_PlayerSpawn |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks_Gauge |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks_Sector |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks_BotPath |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks_BotSpawn |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks_ObjectAnchor |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks_Gate |
Array< CSmMapLandmark *const > | MapLandmarks_Foundation |
Integer | UiScoresPointsLimit |
Array< CSmScore *const > | Scores |
Array< Integer > | ClanScores |
CSmMode::ESmScoreSortOrder const | Scores_SortCriteria |
Boolean | Scores_AutoUpdateLadderRank |
Boolean | Scores_AutoUploadPersonalBests |
Boolean | Bots_AutoSpawn |
Boolean | Bots_AutoRespawn |
Boolean | Bots_AutoIgnoreBotEvents |
Boolean | ForceNavMapsComputation |
Boolean | CrudeExtrapolation_AllowDelay |
Array< CSmObject *const > | Objects |
CGhostManager *const | GhostMgr |
Array< CGhost *const > | GhostRecorder_Ghosts |
Public Attributes inherited from CMode | |
Array< CTaskResult *const > | TaskResults |
Text | ModeStatusMessage |
CTitle *const | LoadedTitle |
Text const | ServerLogin |
Text const | ServerName |
Text const | ServerModeName |
Text const | MapName |
CMap *const | Map |
Text const | MapPlayerModelName |
Boolean const | HasPodium |
Array< CUser *const > | Users |
Array< CTeam *const > | Teams |
Text | NeutralEmblemUrl |
Text const | ForcedClubLinkUrl1 |
Text const | ForcedClubLinkUrl2 |
Text | ClientManiaAppUrl |
Integer const | Now |
Integer const | Period |
Boolean | MatchEndRequested |
Boolean const | ServerShutdownRequested |
Boolean const | MapLoaded |
Array< CMapInfo *const > | MapList |
Integer | NextMapIndex |
CUIConfigMgr *const | UIManager |
CModulePlaygroundHud *const | Hud |
Boolean const | Ladder_RequestInProgress |
CServerAdmin *const | ServerAdmin |
Boolean const | Solo_NewRecordSequenceInProgress |
CXmlRpc *const | XmlRpc |
CParsingManager *const | Xml |
CHttpManager *const | Http |
CInputManager *const | Input |
CDataFileMgr *const | DataFileMgr |
CScoreMgr *const | ScoreMgr |
CSystemPlatform *const | System |
CUserV2Manager *const | UserMgr |
Boolean | UseMinimap |
Boolean | Replay_AutoStart |
CModeTurretManager *const | TurretsManager |
CModeVehicleManager *const | VehiclesManager |
CActionManager *const | ActionsManager |
Boolean | EnableGhostRecording |
Array< CGhost *const > | Ghosts |
Integer const | UiUpdatePeriod |
Public Attributes inherited from CNod | |
Ident const | Id |
Rules API for ShootMania gamemodes.
Supported declare modes :
Transfer this ghost checkpoint-times to the score best race. The best lap of this ghost is transferred as the score best lap.
Debug helper: create/destroy bot players to match provided values. (see Users_SetNbFakeUsers() for fake players that appear and the score table, ...)
Changes player's vehicle accel coef with a 250ms delay
Changes player's vehicle grip with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate Boost2Down on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate Boost2Up on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate BoostDown on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate BoostUp on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Changes player's vehicle control coef with a 250ms delay
Void CSmMode::SetPlayer_Delayed_Cruise | ( | CSmPlayer | Player, |
Boolean | Activate, | ||
Real | CruiseSpeedValue ) |
Activate or Deactivate Cruise at the given speed on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate ForceEngine on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate Fragile on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Changes player's vehicle gravity coef with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate NoBrake on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate NoEngine on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate NoSteer on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Reset all change from the game mode on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Activate or Deactivate SlowMotion on the player's vehicle with a 250ms delay
Changes the color of the player's vehicle tires with a 250ms delay
Void CSmMode::SetPlayer_Delayed_VehicleTransform | ( | CSmPlayer | Player, |
CSmMode::EVehicleTransformType | VehicleTransformType ) |
Transform the car into another car model with a 250ms delay
Boolean CSmMode::CrudeExtrapolation_AllowDelay |
Allow players to see others with a delay when CrudeExtrapolation is used. The quality of the visuals is better (e.g. cars won't go through walls), but it is not suitable for 'real time' game modes, such as Rounds.
Boolean CSmMode::DisableDefaultSkinPreload |
Declare that the game mode will only use forced models, so the client can avoid preloading player own skins.
Boolean CSmMode::ForceNavMapsComputation |
Navigation maps are needed for bots to move. If the current map has bot paths or items the navigation maps will always be computed, otherwise you will need to set this explicitely to True. May be necessary if you use CreateBotPlayer or SetNbBotPlayers.
CGhostManager* const CSmMode::GhostMgr |
Only available in solo mode and map is loaded.
Integer CSmMode::LapCountOverride |
If not 0, we use this number of laps instead of the number defined in the map