ManiaPlanet 3 ManiaScript Reference 2015.06.18.1510
A ManiaScript Reference of the ManiaPlanet 3 game (frozen installation). This is OUTDATED, and exists only for entertainment purposes.
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CSmPlayerDriver Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for CSmPlayerDriver:

Public Types

enum  ESmDriverBehaviour {
  Static , Turret , Scripted , IA ,
  Patrol , Escape , Saunter
enum  ESmDriverPatrolMode { OneTrip , BackAndForth , Loop }
enum  ESmAttackFilter {
  All , AllPlayers , AllBots , AllOpposite ,
  OppositePlayers , OppositeBots , Nobody

Public Attributes

ESmDriverBehaviour Behaviour
Real AggroRadius
Real DisengageDistance
Real PathSpeedCoef
Real Accuracy
Integer ReactionTime
Integer ShootPeriodMin
Integer ShootPeriodMax
Boolean RocketAnticipation
Real Fov
ESmAttackFilter AttackFilter
const CSmPlayer Target
const Boolean IsStuck
Boolean IsFlying
Integer PathOffset
Real Agressivity
Boolean UseOldShootingSystem
ESmDriverPatrolMode Patrol_Mode
Vec3 Escape_AnchorPoint
Real Escape_DistanceSafe
Real Escape_DistanceMinEscape
Real Escape_DistanceMaxEscape
Vec3 Saunter_AnchorPoint
Integer Saunter_BaseChillingTime
Integer Saunter_ChillingTimeDelta
Real Saunter_Radius
Boolean Scripted_ForceAimInMoveDir
CSmPlayer ForcedTarget
CSmPlayer[] TargetsToAvoid
- Public Attributes inherited from CNod
const Ident Id

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: