ManiaPlanet 3 ManiaScript Reference 2015.06.18.1510
A ManiaScript Reference of the ManiaPlanet 3 game (frozen installation). This is OUTDATED, and exists only for entertainment purposes.
No Matches
CTmPlayer Struct Reference

#include <doc.h>

Inheritance diagram for CTmPlayer:

Public Attributes

const Integer CurrentClan
const CTmScore Score
Integer RaceStartTime
Boolean IsSpawned
CTmResult CurRace
CTmResult CurLap
Integer CurrentNbLaps
const Integer CurTriggerIndex
const Vec3 Position
const Real AimYaw
const Real AimPitch
const Vec3 AimDirection
Real AccelCoef
Real ControlCoef
Real GravityCoef
- Public Attributes inherited from CPlayer
const CUser User
const Text Login
const Text Name
const Integer RequestedClan
const Boolean RequestsSpectate
- Public Attributes inherited from CNod
const Ident Id

Detailed Description

Supported declare modes : Local NetworkRead NetworkWrite

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: