ManiaPlanet ManiaScript Reference 2019.11.19.1850
A ManiaScript Reference of the ManiaPlanet game.
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CMapEditorCursor Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for CMapEditorCursor:

Public Member Functions

Void ReleaseLock ()
Void MoveToCameraTarget ()
Void ResetCustomRGB ()
Boolean GetLock ()
Boolean CanUse ()
Boolean Raise ()
Boolean Lower ()
Void FollowCameraTarget (Boolean Follow)
Void Rotate (Boolean CWOrCCW)
Void Move (CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections CardinalDir)
Void Move (CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections8 CardinalDir8)
Void Move (CMapEditorPlugin::RelativeDirections RelativeDir)
Void DisableMouseDetection (Boolean Disable)
Boolean CanPlace ()
Boolean IsCustomRGBActivated ()
Void SetCustomRGB (Vec3 Color)

Public Attributes

Int3 Coord
CMapEditorPlugin::CardinalDirections Dir
CBlockModel BlockModel
CBlockModel TerrainBlockModel
CMacroblockModel MacroblockModel
Real Brightness
Boolean HideDirectionalArrow
- Public Attributes inherited from CNod
const Ident Id

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: