ManiaPlanet ManiaScript Reference 2019.11.19.1850
A ManiaScript Reference of the ManiaPlanet game.
No Matches
CSmPlayer Struct Reference

#include <doc.h>

Inheritance diagram for CSmPlayer:

Public Types

enum  ESpawnStatus { NotSpawned , Spawning , Spawned }

Public Attributes

const CSmScore Score
const ESpawnStatus SpawnStatus
const Integer StartTime
Integer EndTime
Real AmmoGain
Real AmmoPower
const Boolean AutoSwitchWeapon
const Integer CurWeapon
const Integer CurAmmo
const Integer CurAmmoMax
const Integer CurAmmoUnit
Integer Armor
Integer ArmorMax
Integer ArmorGain
Integer ArmorReplenishGain
Real ArmorPower
Integer Stamina
const Integer StaminaMaxValue
Real StaminaMax
Real StaminaGain
Real StaminaPower
Real SpeedPower
Real JumpPower
Boolean AllowWallJump
Boolean AllowProgressiveJump
Boolean UseAlternateWeaponVisual
Boolean IsHighlighted
Real EnergyLevel
Vec3 ForceColor
const Real GetLinearHue
Real ForceLinearHue
Ident ForceModelId
Boolean HasShield
const Boolean IsInVehicle
Real ThrowSpeed
const Integer CurrentClan
const Integer IdleDuration
const Vec3 Position
const Real AimYaw
const Real AimPitch
const Vec3 AimDirection
const Vec3 Velocity
const Real Speed
const Boolean IsUnderground
const Boolean IsTouchingGround
const Boolean IsInAir
const Boolean IsInWater
const Boolean IsInOffZone
const Boolean IsOnTech
const Boolean IsOnTechGround
const Boolean IsOnTechLaser
const Boolean IsOnTechArrow
const Boolean IsOnTechNucleus
const Boolean IsOnTechArmor
const Boolean IsOnTechSafeZone
const Boolean IsOnTechTeleport
const Boolean IsOnTechNoWeapon
const Boolean IsPowerJumpActivable
const Boolean IsTeleportActivable
const Boolean IsAttractorActivable
const Integer NbActiveAttractors
const Boolean IsCapturing
const CSmMapLandmark CapturedLandmark
const CSmObject[] Objects
const CModeVehicle Vehicle
const Boolean IsFakePlayer
const Boolean IsBot
const CSmPlayerDriver Driver
- Public Attributes inherited from CPlayer
const CUser User
const Integer RequestedClan
const Boolean RequestsSpectate
- Public Attributes inherited from CNod
const Ident Id

Detailed Description

Supported declare modes : Local NetworkRead NetworkWrite A Shootmania player.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AmmoGain

Real CSmPlayer::AmmoGain

Values in range (0.000000-10.000000)

◆ AmmoPower

Real CSmPlayer::AmmoPower

Values in range (0.100000-10.000000)

◆ ArmorPower

Real CSmPlayer::ArmorPower

Values in range (0.100000-10.000000)

◆ EnergyLevel

Real CSmPlayer::EnergyLevel

Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)

◆ GetLinearHue

const Real CSmPlayer::GetLinearHue

Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)

◆ JumpPower

Real CSmPlayer::JumpPower

Values in range (0.100000-1.000000)

◆ SpeedPower

Real CSmPlayer::SpeedPower

Values in range (0.100000-1.000000)

◆ StaminaGain

Real CSmPlayer::StaminaGain

Values in range (0.000000-1.000000)

◆ StaminaMax

Real CSmPlayer::StaminaMax

Values in range (0.100000-3.000000)

◆ StaminaPower

Real CSmPlayer::StaminaPower

Values in range (0.100000-1.000000)

◆ ThrowSpeed

Real CSmPlayer::ThrowSpeed

Values in range (0.000000-500.000000)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: